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Under Maintenance

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Sometimes things change faster than expected.Therefore, we apologize for not finding the content you are looking for.
However, we are sure that you will read at this website in the future,
exactly what you really need or what you are interested in. 

In the near future our website will be created.
Stay tuned!

About us

Consulting for Space Management and Space Communication

We offer engineering consulting in the field of space management and space communication.
We support companies in the space industry (start-ups and SMEs) in their business plans, their marketing, as well as their internal and external communication.

Our business consulting and services include
- technological studies, (e.g. Orbit Planning, Space Security, Space Safety, Life Time Management, Lunar Developments, etc.)
- feasibility studies, (moon colonization, mission planning, small satellites, etc.)
- business planning, evaluation of business concepts,
- Mentoring, coaching (of young entrepreneurs and founders)
- Workshops, (for start-ups, agencies and SMEs)
- Training, (for start-ups, agencies and SMEs).

Our communication consulting services include internal and external communication structures, as well as their consolidation in the field of communication policy, the process of all-encompassing and networked, strategic and thus goal-oriented communication.


Ahornstr. 20
15366 Hoppegarten


Email:   Phone: +491715130421